Bulletin Board Policy

    The Marshall Public Library provides space on its public bulletin board for announcements and notices of local community events and activities. This service is in keeping with the Library’s mission to meet the cultural, informational, and recreational needs of the community. The Library adheres to the American Library Association’s policy statement, Exhibit Spaces and Bulletin Boards: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights, adopted by the ALA Council in 1991 and amended in 2004.
    1. Some bulletin boards, literature racks and tables are reserved for the exclusive use by the Library to post and distribute materials about Library services and events, information about the Friends of the Library, and governmental entities such as the City of Pocatello, and state and federal agencies.
    2. The Marshall Public Library recognizes its role as a source of community information. Because of space limitations, the Library must set limits and priorities for display or distribution of printed materials within the facility. Community information bulletin boards may be used for posting the following types of information:
      • Announcements of forthcoming or continuing cultural, social, or entertainment activities
      • Printed material sponsored by a nonprofit organization or agency
    3. All notices must be approved and placed on the bulletin board by a staff member. Staff may discard items not approved for placement and excess copies of any items received. Items will be posted or made available on an equitable basis, subject to available space, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of the individuals or groups represented.
    4. Items may be refused on the basis of size and available space.
    5. The Library does not assume any responsibility or liability for items submitted for display on the bulletin board. The organization/individual assumes responsibility for any damage incurred.
    6. Items will be removed from the bulletin board by the Library staff as the items become dated or after thirty days. Items on bulletin boards reserved for use by the Library will be displayed as long as is appropriate.
    7. The bulletin board is in a public area through which all ages may pass. Posted materials may not be libelous or obscene as defined by the US Supreme Court, or advocate the violation of criminal laws.
    8. Materials that support or oppose specific political candidates or initiatives may not be posted.
    9. No items devoted solely to the sale, advertising, solicitation or promotion of commercial products or services will be accepted.
    10. Posting of a notice does not imply endorsement by the Marshall Public Library of the viewpoints expressed in the items.
    11. In the event of the Library’s decision to display or distribute or not to display or not to distribute any item, one may first appeal the decision to the Library Director in writing. Further appeal may be made to the Library Board of Trustees who will examine it at a regularly scheduled meeting. Written notice of appeal must be submitted at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting.
Adopted by the Library Board
May 15, 2012

Marshall Public Library

113 South Garfield Avenue
Pocatello, Idaho  83204
Phone:  208-232-1263

Did You Know?

In 1907, Pocatello’s new library had 1103 books and 478 registered users.