Exhibits and Displays Policy

The Library will provide displays of materials of interest to the community; these are presentations of materials promoting Library services, areas of subject interest, and are often topical in nature.  Exhibits of items of public interest are kept in display cases or are otherwise secured; they often are of materials which are not owned by the Library.

The display cases and other presentation areas are available for the use of local beneficial or nonprofit corporations, community groups, civic and other associations, and individuals. Exhibitions of a commercial nature will not be accepted and prices may not be attached to articles displayed.

The Library assumes neither risk nor responsibility, other than that of due care, for any item displayed or exhibited.  Those responsible for the display or exhibit will arrange their materials under the general supervision of the Library staff and will furnish whatever specialized display equipment is needed.  Those furnishing materials for display or exhibit will sign a form acknowledging this and provide a signed inventory of the materials displayed.

Exceptions to the above may be made, in writing, by the Library Director prior to the presentation.

While the Library’s policy on Intellectual Freedom applies to all displays and exhibits, the Library reserves its right to exercise discretion about exhibit topics and materials.

Revised by the Board of Trustees
December 20, 2011

Marshall Public Library

113 South Garfield Avenue
Pocatello, Idaho  83204
Phone:  208-232-1263

Did You Know?

The Library has four Book Discussion Groups that are free and open to the public. Join one today!